Sucker Punch Production announce new game Ghost Of Tsushima is an upcomig action adventure open world game develop by Sony Interactive Entertainment.We play as a Jin Sakai he as a last samurai on Tsushima island in japan during the First Mongol invasion in the 1270s. Ghost of Tsushima is launch on PlayStation.
Release Date of Ghost Of Tsushima
Recent month PlayStation announce date of tsushima on YouTube.This game release on 17 july in PlayStation 4
Gameplay of Ghost of Tsushima
Ghost of tsushime is an third person action adventure open world game.The feature of 13 century 1270s japan.We play as a jin sakai a last samurai of tsushime.Player can travel different part of island with horse.Player can interact with other non player character on game.
Player as a grepping hook to access a area. Player engage direct contact with enemies using weapon such as katana. which can also be used to chain up a series of fatal strikes after highlighting specific enemies.Players have tools such as smoke bombs and Kunal.
Map and Landscape Ghost of Tsushima
Sucker punch dosent have exact figure of game length.The director of game Nate Fox said game’s map “is huge”, covering “the biomes you can find on main land Japan, from snowy mountains to bamboo forests, to waterfalls and rolling grasslands, it’s all there.” Adding to that sense of scale is the game’s lack of map markers which Fox hopes will encourage players to “get lost in Tsushima” and find “all sorts of hidden stories and items you get access to by following your curiosity.”
”We want to give enough stuff to keep it electrifying for the player. We didn’t want to make a huge map and have nothing on it. So it’s packed with people, items and stories to explore.”
This game is full of adventure and action .We can play game in cinematic way and other screen . Game developer as focusd on graphic and main story.The graphic is next level the sky, river , land and ground texture its feel like real while play these game.Have sleath combat fight with skill and powerfull weapon like sword and bow arrow. We all our enjoy the journey of samurai and also see history of japan.