Set out on an incredible adventure through Palworld, where fascinating animals are divided into many Pal types, each of which stands for a different elemental energy. Since these Pal types and elements determine the species' strengths and weaknesses, understanding them is crucial to learning all aspects of conflict. Let's explore the essence of the nine Pal types and their respective elements, such as grass, water, and dark, before you explore the world of Palworld.
All Nine Pal Types in Palworld
Strong against: Ground
Weak against: Fire
Strong against: Electric
Weak against: Grass
Strong against: Water
Weak against: Ground
Strong against: Fire
Weak against: Electric
Strong against: Grass, Ice
Weak against: Water
Strong against: Dragon
Weak against: Fire
Strong against: Dark
Weak against: Ice
Strong against: Neutral
Weak against: Dragon
Strong against: Nothing
Weak against: Dark
Remember that different Pal species might belong to the same Pal type, producing consistent effects, as you navigate Palworld's altering landscape. Now that you have this thorough guide at the ready, you may fight smarter and take advantage of your opponents' flaws as well as your friends' strengths. May you have a successful and enjoyable adventure in Palworld.